Bulk Edit Pending Requests and More!

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk December 28, 2018

This was a busy month for the team here at Time To Pet! We released a lot of minor enhancements to improve the day to day work for our customers and one major release that can save you a lot of time when approving requests.

Check out our last feature release for Starred Messages. It provides an easy way to track important messages from your clients!

Bulk Edit Pending Requests

Some common feedback we have heard from customers is that the process of editing a pending request can take more time than they would like. To help alleviate this, we’ve introduced the ability to bulk edit a pending request. For example - if your customer submitted a request for ten 20 minute dog walks but you need to change these to 30 minute dog walks, you can do so with just a couple clicks!

When reviewing your pending request, look for the “Edit Request” button in the top right.

Edit Pending Request Button

In the “Edit Request” screen, you will notice a “Bulk Edit” button at the top of the screen. This works very similar to the Bulk Edit Services tool.

Edit Pending Request Bulk Edit Button

When selecting this button, Time To Pet will show you a list of fields you can edit for these requested services. By default, they will all be grayed out. You can choose which fields you would like to edit by selecting the checkbox to the left. You’ll see that we are adjusting the service type for these requested services.

Select Fields To Override in Bulk Edit Pending Request

You’ll also notice that all of your pending events are grayed out. You can click on these to select them.

Select Events To Override in Bulk Edit Pending Request

You can also check the “Check All/None” button to select (or deselect) all of the pending events.

Select All Events or No Events in Bulk Edit Pending Request

After selecting your fields to update and the events to update, click the “Apply” button to process these changes.

Apply Changesin Bulk Edit Pending Request

Now you’ve updated the request for your customer with just a couple clicks before approving their events!

Looking for helpful information on starting, growing or managing your pet care business? The Time To Pet Academy has lots of articles and is 100% free!

Additional Updates

Different Subject Lines for Confirmed Services - Time To Pet will now use different subject lines when sending the automated confirmation email after you have approved or rejected events. Time To Pet will use the subject line “Your Requested Services Have Been Approved” when all of the requested services are approved, the subject line “We Are Unable To Approve Your Requested Services” when all events are rejected and “Some Of Your Requested Services Need Attention” when some of the events are approved and some are rejected.

Different Subject Lines for Confirmed Events Example

Awaiting Activation Tag On Client’s Profile - When a client has been invited to activate their client portal but has not yet done so, we will show an Awaiting Activation tag on their profile page.

Awaiting Activation Tag on Client Profile

A Warning When Clicking “Do Not Invoice” When Scheduling Events - When choosing to not invoice your client when scheduling events, Time To Pet will show you a warning to ensure you are clicking this on purpose.

Warning Example When Clicking Do Not Invoice

Ability to Filter Invoicing By First and Last Visit Dates in Bulk Invoicing - When using the Bulk Invoicing tool, you can now filter your invoices based on the date of the first or last event on that invoice.

Example of Filtering By First or Last Date in Bulk Invoicing

Revenue Reports for Custom Line Items and Updated Design - We’ve added the ability to run revenue reports for custom line items added to an invoice and made a style update to the design of this report.

Example of Revenue Report for Custom Line Items

Staff Receive Notifications For Only Clients They Are Scheduled For - You can now choose to only have staff get notification updates for clients they have scheduled events for.

Updating Staff Recieve Notifications

Hide Cancelled Events From Calendar - You can now choose to hide cancelled events from your Calendar in the Scheduler section. Just click the “Filters” button and then check the “Hide Cancelled” checkbox.

Hiding Cancelled Events on Scheduler Page

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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