Event Started Notifications and Staff Profiles!

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk June 6, 2019

Our next round of updates are designed to make the Time To Pet experience even more enjoyable for your customers! First up is the ability to send an automated notification to your client when their event is started.

Event Started Notifications

One of our most requested Client App enhancements is the ability for clients to be notified when their events are starting (not just when the event is completed). You can now enable this feature in the Mobile App Configuration section:

Setting Option to Notify Clients of Event Starts

After enabled, you can create a custom message that will be sent to your client. This message can be sent as a push notification right to your client's app or as a text message (just make sure you have text messaging enabled for this client if you want them to get a text):

Setting Option To Set Messaging For Event Start Notification

When enabled, your clients will get this message as a notification informing them their event has begun!

Example of an Event Start Notification

Clients can also see a notification on their App when an event is in progress.

Example of In Progress Event

If you have some services that you would like to send event started notifications but others that you do not, you can customize this on a service by service basis as well. Just edit your service and look for the Event Started Notification option:

Example of Disabling Event Started Notifications For A Service

While this functionality has been released today, your client will need to update their Time To Pet App to the newest version in order to see the event in progress indicator (text messages and push notification will work immediately). App updates should start to roll out in the next few days.

Client Visible Staff Profiles

Our next feature allows you to create a Staff/User Profile for each one of your staff members (staff members also referred to as users if you use Independent Contractors). You can enable this feature right in the Mobile App Configuration section:

Setting Option to Show Staff Profiles to Clients

After enabled, you can adjust a few additional options in the Settings section for each staff member or user. First is the ability to adjust the "Name Displayed To Client". This is the name that is shown to your clients which means if you want to just show the first name to your clients, you can update that here.

Setting Option to Set Staff Name Display

In the "General" section of a staff member's settings page, you can now add a "Public Bio".

Setting Option to Add a Staff Bio

This public bio is visible by your clients by clicking on the staff member's profile picture in the App. Just a heads up, clients will only have access to staff profiles for staff members that have provided services to them in the past.

Example of a Staff Bio in App

While this functionality has been released today, your client will need to update their Time To Pet App to the newest version in order to see staff profiles and profile pictures. App updates should start to roll out in the next few days.

For more information on these features - check out our updated help doc on the Mobile App Configuration section!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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