Updates to Change/Cancellation Request Functionality

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk April 25, 2019

We’ve always stayed focused on how to help companies better serve their clients, and we understand the importance of a user-friendly and efficient cancellation process on both the client and administrator end. Today - we are excited to announce a new update to how change and cancellations requests are processed on the client end, as well as new configuration options for cancellation charges and the ability to edit not-yet-approved template events!

Previously, change and cancellation requests could not be made for specific days and times. Instead, a client would describe their cancellation and an admin could then make these changes. This was to prevent any potential mistakes on the client end (like selecting the wrong events), or any oversight on the admin side when processing the request (like cancelling an event by mistake). As our product and user design has evolved and improved - we are announcing a revamp to change/cancellation requests that allows clients to select the visit they need to make an adjustment to.

Change/Cancellation Request Settings

By default, all new Time To Pet companies will have this setting enabled. All existing Time To Pet companies will need to configure this by going to their Portal Settings under the new “Scheduling” section.

Here we’ve added the ability to configure how clients can make change and cancellation requests within the Client Portal and the Mobile App. When selecting “Clients Make Requests Against Specific Visits” from the dropdown menu, more configuration options will appear.

These options include any change request limits, cancellation request limits, and the ability to configure whether or not cancellation requests are auto approved.

Change and cancellation request limits can be configured as no requests for the same day after a specified time, no requests for tomorrow after a specified time, or no requests earlier than a certain amount of hours in advance.

Client Change/Cancellation Requests Within The Mobile App

Time To Pet now makes it easy for clients to select the visit they’d like to change or cancel within the Client Portal and Mobile App when the new change/cancellation tool is enabled.

Within their schedule, clients will see a pencil icon that can be selected to make their request.

From the next screen, they’ll choose whether or not they want to cancel the visit or make a change.

If requesting a change, from the next screen they can edit the date, time, service, time block, or pets.

If needing to cancel a visit, they’ll simply select the visit they’d like to cancel and leave any necessary notes.

A notification will appear to let them know the request is being processed. Once you have approved or denied the client’s request, they’ll receive another notification within the app.

Processing Change And Cancellation Requests

Any specific change or cancellation requests made from clients can be processed in the Scheduler under the “Change Requests” tab.

This will show what aspects of the event that the client has requested to update, and will give you the option to accept or deny the request.

Any cancellation requests will appear in a similar fashion. These will need to be approved or denied if not set to auto approve.

You can use the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner to finalize the changes made or bulk approve or deny the services.

A new screen will appear to confirm the changes and gives the option to send a confirmation of accepted or denied events to the client.

Automatic Cancellation Charges

Another addition to cancellations can be found in Invoice Settings, where you can now set up Automatic Cancellation Fees based on a specified time frame and amount to be charged.

For example, if you’d like to waive the cancellation fee when a client cancels with more than 24 hours notice and full price if the 24 hour time frame is not met, you can easily configure this here.

There are three options for the time frame for the cancellation: Cancellations made the same day after a set time, cancellations made for tomorrow after a set time, and cancellations less than a certain amount of hours in advance.

You can charge the full price of the service for a cancellation, a flat rate, a percentage of the service price, or no charge.

You can also create a Default Cancellation Charge that does not meet the rules set for any other existing cancellation charges.

The new Automatic Cancellation Charge tool is applied to both events that your customers cancel themselves (via the Client App or Client Portal) and events that you cancel directly from the dashboard. You still have the option to override the default cancellation charge too when cancelling events too!

Editing Unapproved Template Events

Finally, this latest update will also include the ability to edit future Template events that have not yet been approved.

Along with cancelling the service, you will now have the option to edit the unapproved service from the Template calendar. After selecting “Edit Service,” you will be taken to a screen where the date, time, service, staff, and pets, and notes can be updated.

With more configurable options for change and cancellation requests, your clients can specify which visits they’d like to update from the Client Portal. This will create a more streamlined process from the admin side, giving you more time to do what you love. As always, be sure to check out our help articles on Portal Settings, Invoice Settings, and Cancelling And Modifying Future Template Events for more information!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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