Using Text Messages to Reach Millennial Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Clients

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier March 7, 2017

Millennials. I know you've heard of them. It's the generation born between the early 1980's and the early 2000's. Being a Millennial --- I can tell you that the stereotypes aren't all true. We don't all take selfies and post our dinner on Instagram every night. There are a couple things about Millennials that are true though. Like how Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in America. Yes it's true that Millennials are less likely to buy a house or a car but 75% of Americans in their 30's own a dog compared to only 50% of the general population.

So Millennials are a big deal and an even bigger market for pet care professionals. How do you target them? Well there are a lot of options but one of the most effective ways is by texting them. The Pew Research Center states that people between 18 and 29 years old send an average of 87.7 text messages per day. That's nearly 3,000 text messages a month! In fact, text messages are the most prevalent form of communication for Americans under the age of 50 according to Gallup.

Man Texting in Time To Pet

Enough with the data. It's pretty obvious that your Millennial clients are looking for communication methods that are convenient for them. So how do you complete with the high tech, uber for dog walking competitors that are out there? Again --- the answer is text messages!

Time To Pet makes it incredibly easy to incorporate text messaging into your business. Let's say your staff member is out doing a visit, snaps an awesome picture of Fido and wants to tell your client about the great walk they had. If you haven't enabled text messaging --- you could try sending the update via email but it may get buried under the 250 other unread emails your client has. After integrating text messages --- your staff can include their note and attach their picture right inside of the Time To Pet mobile app and poof --- your client get's a real time text message update with all the info. They then text back and say "Thank you! You are the best pet sitter/dog walker in the world!"

That is the power of text messaging. Texting in Time To Pet is deeply integrated and automated. Sending a text to a client is the exact same process of sending a regular message. When your cded to their conversation feed as well! To learn more about text messaging in Time To Pet --- be sure to check out our help articles!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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