Wrapping Your Car

Have you considered wrapping your car to market your pet care business? See the pros and cons here!

Wrapping Your Car

Much of today’s marketing and advertising campaigns revolve around online platforms, and while it is not hard to understand why, there is still a lot of value found in analog marketing. Posters, radio/television ads, billboards, and print advertisements are all great ways to promote a business, but they all have one thing in common: they are all static forms of advertising. In any other industry, that might not be such a disadvantage, but in a widespread business like pet care, versatility is one of the most important qualities one can possess. In this way, car wrapping is a tried and true method of advertising that one cannot overlook when it comes to marketing your dog walking or pet sitting business.


The Ins And Outs of Car Wrapping

Car wrapping is a term used to describe the practice of partially/completely covering a vehicle with a vinyl wrap. Most vinyl wraps will differ in color/design from the vehicle’s original paint job, and they will usually have a gloss, matte, or clear protective layer to their finish. While there are many different reasons why people wrap their cars, many people will utilize a car wrap as a tool to market their business due to the many customization options available.

Wrapping a car can be a very tricky and meticulous process, so even though it’s possible to order a wrap online and apply it to your vehicle yourself, most professionals advise against this. It is very easy for car wrapping to go wrong and for your design to look improper if fitted incorrectly, so while more expensive, it is usually worth the investment to get it professionally done.

If you have decided a car wrap is right for you, the first thing you’ll need to do is determine the colors, design, texture, and overall style you want. To advertise your pet care business, you want to be sure that you consider what details need to be featured most prominently and what you want the imagery to convey about your company. If you run a boarding and/or grooming facility, it might be important for the designs to portray a pup being groomed or shown playing or sleeping comfortably with other dogs. You could even choose between showcasing real pets you’ve cared for (or stock images of real pets) or utilizing more artistic visuals instead.

Another aspect of the design you’ll want to contemplate is what contact details should appear on the wrap. Featuring your company’s name is of the utmost importance, but you also want to consider the best ways for potential clients to reach out to you. Some companies that utilize car wraps to advertise their pet care company advertise their website link or Facebook page. Others still implement a QR code (Quick Response) that people can scan with their phones that leads directly to their website or new client form. They will often include these links/codes in multiple places on the vehicle to maximize their exposure.

Once you have decided on the design and if you want it to be a full or partial wrap, measurements will be taken of your car so that the manufacturers can make the wraps to be the exact specifications of the make and model of your vehicle.

When everything is in place, the manufacturer will print your wrap and then laminate it. A special coating is typically used to help prevent your vehicle from scratching and offer additional UV ray protection.

Once the wrap is ready, it will be time to apply it to your car! They will prepare your vehicle and its paintwork beforehand by thoroughly cleaning the car and drying it, and then they will spray it with a special solvent and water to make adhering the wrap easier. After that, they will remove the backing of the wrap, which is where the adhesive side is, and apply another application fluid to the vinyl. From there, it’s just about making sure everything aligns appropriately and pressing the wrap into place.

Once the wrap is applied, your mobile advertisement will be ready to hit the streets!

Mobile Advertising At Its Finest

In a business where traversing your city to care for pets is half the job, what could be better than an ad campaign that follows you wherever you go? Mobility is car wrapping’s greatest strength as a form of advertising, and it is something that is entirely yours to control.

Whether you’re driving yourself from one client to the next or buzzing around town to take care of errands, a car wrap can help spread the word and raise awareness of your business without you having to lift a finger. With high visibility and low maintenance needed, this form of advertisement allows you to maximize exposure for your business to potential clients without costing nearly what online ad campaigns do. On top of that, there’s no need to target particular audience members as you do when marketing on social media. Instead, you can be sure that locals in your area are seeing your ads at a much higher rate than those online.

The design of the car wrap you use is yours to decide, as well, but it is vital to choose something that catches the eye and draws the attention of passersby. Since you’ll be on the move, your wrap should also be easy to understand and efficiently convey what you’re advertising. Make it very clear that you’re in the pet care industry, highlight your business's name, and ensure the best way to contact you is front and center. This way, potential clients interested in your services will be directed through the proper channels to inquire about your services and won’t miss out on everything you have to offer.

Wrap Battles: Decals Vs Wrapping

Decals and wraps are both popular options for vehicle customization, and both can be used to promote your business. However, car wraps are more suitable than car decals for advertisement.

While they come in a wide variety of styles, their installation is quick and easy, and they are less expensive than most car wraps; car decals have many limitations regarding their size and how much coverage you can get on your car with them. With a much smaller surface area to work with, this could make it hard for potential clients to decipher what your business is about, and your contact details might become illegible due to size constraints.

Car wraps avoid these limitations altogether. While initially the more expensive option of the two, the average lifespan of a good wrap is approximately five to seven years, which allows you to get a lot of mileage out of a singular investment. Since car wraps cover the entirety of your car, as well, the advertising potential is inherently more significant and will have a longer-lasting impact on your business.

Car wraps also provide better protection against scratches, chips, and UV rays for your vehicle than car decals, which only add to the value wrapping your car can bring to your business and your personal life.

Is A Company Car Wrap Considered A Business Expense?

Generally speaking, the cost of wrapping a car for personal use is not considered a tax write-off and is considered a personal expense. However, if you are using the car for business purposes, such as for advertising or as a company vehicle, you may be able to deduct the cost of wrapping the car as a business expense.

To determine the specific tax implications and deductions related to wrapping your car, you should consult with a qualified tax professional or accountant who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and the tax laws in your country or region. They will be able to guide you on what expenses are deductible and how to properly document them for tax purposes.

Things To Remember

Before you go to get a wrap for your car, you should keep a few things in mind.

Much like the rest of your vehicle, car wraps do require a certain amount of upkeep and maintenance. Most manufacturers recommend handwashing your car wrap with soap and water every two weeks or so to ensure the design stays vibrant and your wrap is longer-lasting. You want to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools when cleaning your car wrap, as you might damage the vinyl otherwise. This also means you should be mindful of or avoid washing your car with an automatic car wash, as the pressure washers and brushes used can be high/tough enough that it causes wear and tear to the wrap.

You should also keep your car away from possible pollutants and should strive to keep it parked in a shaded area to avoid too much exposure to the sun or outside elements. Extended periods spent in the sun or inclement weather can lead to the wrap peeling or fading. However, you also want to be careful of parking near foliage or under trees, as sap from trees or bird droppings can potentially cause harm to the wrap, as well. The best thing to do for a wrapped car is to keep it parked in a garage.

When it comes to any type of stain on your wrap, try to clean it as soon as possible and use a pH-neutral, wax-free, and high-suds-producing car shampoo to best protect your vehicle. If you can find a vinyl and PPF-specific car soap, that is the perfect type of shampoo for non and protected vinyl wraps.

Remember, car wraps aren’t for everyone. They require an upfront investment and fairly regular upkeep to ensure they stand the test of time and can withstand the elements. However, if you are willing to put in the work to maintain the wrap, they are an unbeatable choice for advertising.

The number of visual impressions that can be made in a day and the reach a car wrap has the potential to impart cannot be easily replicated, even by the best online ad campaigns. Especially when marketing to your local community, there’s no easier way to sell your services. Impressions can be made just by you going about your daily routine, as all potential clients have to do is see your vehicle once for their interest to be sparked. Sparking a client’s interest is half the battle, and with a form of advertising that will go where you go and do its job without any further input from you, I would say it’s a worthy investment!


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