Client Spotlight — The Kearny Dog Walker

Josh Winer
Josh Winer June 28, 2020

Kearny dog walker logo

For this Client Spotlight, we are super excited to feature Erin Martins and The Kearny Dog Walker in Kearny, NJ. Erin and her team always make sure that your pets are living their best life. Offering dog walks, dog boarding, cat sitting, overnight homestays, and pet taxi services, The Kearny Dog Walker is the real deal when it comes to exceptional pet care. There's no question that every team member of The Kearny Dog Walker — including Erin and her family — is a passionate animal lover! Take a look at some of these happy, smiling pet customers!

Erin and her family

Erin has her dream job now, owning her own pet care company, but it wasn't always that way. She worked in Manhattan for over a decade, making the long commute daily, longingly watching dog walkers head to Central Park. After doing some research, Erin realized that it was actually possible — and financially sustainable — to start her own pet care business. It wasn't long before Erin knew that she made the right choice. The demand for reliable pet care was definitely there! The Kearny Dog Walker hit the ground running, and she's never looked back.

Now instead of taking long trips to the city for work, Erin spends her days taking care of lovable furballs and giving their pet parents some much-needed peace of mind. So if you are in the Kearny and Newark area, and find yourself in need of the best pet care around, make sure to reach out to Erin and her team. You can find more information about services and scheduling on The Kearny Dog Walker website. Also, make sure to check them out on Facebook and Instagram!

Erin and her husband with dogs

Why did you get into pet sitting/dog walking?

I have always loved animals and was so envious when I worked in NYC and saw the dog walkers heading into Central Park with their huge packs. I was working in the jewelry industry at the time and so wanted that to be me, but it's hard to completely change your career — plus, I had no idea if being a dog walker was actually financially sustainable. However, my life changed when I met two pet care professionals whose careers were thriving, and they were so happy, AND they were making money, so I knew it was possible for me to follow suit. My area is growing very quickly, and there was such a need for a pet care provider, so I took a leap of faith that The Kearny Dog Walker would be a success and quit my job to follow my heart's passion. After 6 weeks, the demand was so high that I hired my first walker!

What is the most fulfilling part of owning a pet sitting/dog walking business?

It is hard to narrow it down to one most fulfilling aspect since there are so many! To start, there really is no better feeling in the world than working with animals. It doesn't matter what is going on in the world, as soon as you walk into the house and see a dog or cat that is so beyond excited just to see you, it makes everything else melt away. I love being outdoors, regardless of the weather, and even though I mostly service busy, urban areas, I still can find so much peace when it's just me and the dogs and the fresh air.

AND — it is really great to be your own boss and to watch your dreams become a reality! Especially with what is going on in the world now, I know so many people that are worried about being laid off or furloughed, it is one less weight on my shoulders to know that I don't have to worry about that — I am in charge of the success of my company.

ADogs on stairs hanging out

What is the most challenging?

Managing a growing company and growing team is tough and exhausting. It's hard to find the right balance of putting your heart and soul into the company without burning out. I'm a workaholic, so I easily find myself working from 6 am-11 pm, messaging with clients and my team, and working on growing the company. As soon as I find the perfect balance — enough walkers to service the clients, I feel as though I'm becoming complacent and then work harder to find more clients... but then I need to hire more walkers... and the cycle continues. It's a grateful challenge to have but challenging nonetheless.

Where do you see your business in 5 years?

With the slow down of the company due to many clients staying at home with their babies, I have to say I have enjoyed slowing down a bit to reconsider what is most important to me — which is time. If you asked me 2 years ago where I'd want to be, I'd say owning a huge doggy daycare with a team of 40 walkers and dominating the whole area. However, today, I'm really really proud of what I've built — in 2.5 years. I've built up a team of 20 and the most amazing and supportive clients that all really feel like family. I'm so happy where I am now. I would be happy if I stay like this forever ... however ... knowing my workaholic ways, the sky's the limit to where we might go in 5 years.

Happy Golden retriever

What has Time To Pet changed the most about how you run your business?

I would be LOST without Time To Pet — I've had it since the day I launched my company, and I could not imagine anyone running a company without it. It has made my life so easy to schedule and communicate with clients, and run reports, and settle invoices. It also makes managing a team super easy, especially with being notified when the walkers have started their walks. And while I don't get to walk each dog myself, as there are just not enough hours in the day, I love seeing their report cards and pictures after each walk — they really make me so happy, and I know the clients love them too! :)

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