COVID-19 Features — Gift Cards and Cancelled Visits Report

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier April 21, 2020

COVID-19 has had a major impact on our industry. Here at Time To Pet — we have been hard at work to help our customers, and all pet sitters and dog walkers get through these challenging times. This includes a handful of new features as well as a COVID-19 Resource Guide built specifically for pet care professionals. We are also extending our free trial to 45 days.

We wanted to first review our new Gift Cards tool.

Gift Cards

Gift Cards are a great way for your business to allow clients to pre-pay for future, not yet scheduled services. We’ve heard countless stories from our customers that cash flow is a major issue currently. Gift Cards can help you alleviate some of this.

Gift Cards in Client Portal

Gift Cards can be purchased in $20, $50, $100, or any custom amount directly from the client’s portal. When a gift card if purchased, Time To Pet will automatically create an Open Payment which can be applied to a future invoice for your customer. Since releasing Gift Cards a few weeks ago, we’ve seen some incredible data on how generous pet care customers can be. The average gift card sold is over $180, and we’ve seen a total of gift card sales well over $150,000.

We’ve also released some additional reporting in Reporting -> Financial to help our customers track and ultimately thank their generous customers for their gift card purchase.

Gift Card Reporting found in Reporting -> Financial

If you are interested in adding Gift Cards to your account, please check out our help doc detailing Gift Cards and how you can enable these for your customers.

Cancelled Visits Report

To help our customers understand the financial impact that COVID-19 may be having on their business and to help them generate quick reports for government assistance programs, we have created a new Cancelled Visits Report.

This report can be found in Reporting -> Schedule and allows your business to see a full breakdown of all cancelled events over any date range. We also include data on the cancel percentage and the lost revenue.

Cancelled Events Graph

The Cancelled Visits Report allows you to include deleted events as well as events deleted when voiding an invoice in addition to just events that are marked as “cancelled.” You can also view a breakdown of all cancelled events by customer.

Cancelled Events Chart by Client

If you have any questions for Time To Pet on Gift Cards, the Cancelled Visits Report, or how we are helping our customers and all pet sitters and dog walkers during COVID-19, please do not hesitate to reach out. We hope you, your loved ones, and your community is staying safe and healthy.

Make sure to check out our COVID-19 Resource Gude for Pet Care Pros for more great resources.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 4,000 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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