New Feature - Message Tags!

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk November 5, 2019

Our next feature is a big upgrade to managing important messages from your clients and team. We are very excited to announce Message Tags in Time To Pet! Message tags give you the ability to tag important messages from your clients or from your staff members so you can easily save them or find them at a later point.

We've gotten a lot of feedback from our customers that clients send all types of messages and keeping track of the most important ones can be tough. Some clients may be asking about their bill, requesting a last minute event or sharing some praise for your team. Message tags are here to help you organize these messages into useful groups for you and your admin team.

Tags live in the Message Center of Time To Pet. You can see any tags that you have created in the left sidebar and you can create new tags here too.

Tags in the Message Center

When creating a new tag, you can set the name and choose a color for your tag. It's important to keep in mind that tags are only visible on the dashboard and are never shown to your clients. Staff members can see tags but only when logged in to the dashboard.

Creating a Tag in the Message Center

To tag a message, click the "Add Tag" button. You can choose from your existing tags or create a new one here.

Assigning a Tag to a Message

After tagging some messages, you can view those grouped by tag by clicking on the specific tag in the sidebar. Here are our messages tagged as "Praise".

Viewing Tagges Messages in the Message Center

You can edit the tag assigned to your message by clicking on the tag. If you ever need to remove a tag from a message, just hover over the tag on the message and click the "X".

Removing Tag from a Message

Tags can also be added to messages directly on a client's profile. When viewing their "Conversation Feed" for your client, looks for the "Add Tag" button on each message.

Using Tags in a Client's Profile

Last and certainly not least is tag support for staff messages! All messages that your staff members add to their staff conversation feed can be tagged just like client messages. You can create specific tags for staff in the "Staff" tab of the Message Center too.

Tags for Staff Members

As always - if you have any questions on Message Tags, be sure to let us know!

Did you see our last update? Check out Client and Staff Flags too!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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